Article series about combining Genode with FPGAs Mar 20, 2023

In addition to our developer stories at, we started publishing specific tutorials at for a wider audience. is a community platform for hardware and software developers to share their personal and professional projects. With over two million members and 30k open source projects one can find comprehensive instructions and impressive projects for a plethora of hardware/software platforms. Back in November, we launched a distinct Genode channel and started publishing beginner-level tutorials for the Zybo Z7 board.

Genode at

Since then, Genode developer Johannes Schlatow continued his tutorial series about combining Genode with reconfigurable FPGA hardware, specifically targeting Xilinx Zynq. In the latest article "Taking control over DMA transactions on Zynq with Genode", he introduces custom FPGA fabric for implementing DMA protection that is normally not covered by Zynq hardware. It exemplifies how well Genode and reconfigurable hardware can go hand in hand. Please find this latest article among the other Genode tutorials at the channel linked above.

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  Genode Labs GmbH
  Dammweg 2
  D-01097 Dresden

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  Genode Labs GmbH
  Friedrichstr. 26
  D-01067 Dresden


  +49 351 3282613


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