Genode OS Framework 24.05 released May 30, 2024

Genode 24.05 introduces the new ability to run Sculpt OS on our custom kernel, GDB on Sculpt OS, suspend/resume, the redesign of the framework's USB infrastructure, and the completed transition to the new audio interfaces.

In the tailwind of Sculpt OS 24.04, the just released Genode version 24.05 contains all the technical underpinnings of the new Sculpt-OS features like suspend/resume, the consistent use of the new audio stack, and a much more flexible USB infrastructure. Beside those many functional advances, the release also celebrates the ability to run Sculpt OS on our custom kernel as a landmark achievement, relieving the trusted computing base of Sculpt OS from third-party dependencies. With Intel virtualization support added to our kernel, the release delivers the final missing piece of this puzzle.

Further topics of the release range from timing and networking optimizations, over updated 3rd-party software like Mesa, libSDL2, and cURL, to developer tooling. Those and many more topics are covered in the detailed release documentation for version 24.05.

Keeping up with the tradition of the previous years, the spring release also brings the "Genode Foundations" book (PDF) up to date to the latest version of the framework.

Sculpt OS version 24.04 May 29, 2024

The Genode-base Sculpt operating system now supports 4K displays and I2C touchpads out of the box, brings experimental support for suspend/resume, allows the fine-grained assignment of USB devices to applications and VMs, and introduces new audio-mixing capabilities.

On our road map, we touted 2024 as the year of Sculpt OS usability. This aspiration unleashed an unseen dedication on user-visible features, which culminated in the release of version 24.04 by the end of April.

The new version now supports 4K displays and I2C touchpads out of the box, brings experimental support for suspend/resume, allows for the fine-grained assignment of USB devices to applications and virtual machines, introduces new audio-mixing capabilities. Under the hood, each of those topics represented deeply technical challenges for us developers. But on the user-visible surface, Sculpt's administrative interface exposes them to the user in an streamlined and almost playful manner. Please find the highlights summarized in What's new in Sculpt OS 24.04.

Sculpt OS is still primarily targeted at highly technical users and developers. For the latter, the new version introduces two exciting new features, namely the support for on-target debugging via GDB, and the ability to use Sculpt OS as a remote test target of Genode's Goa SDK. The dedicated article and accompanied screencast On-target debugging with GDB on Sculpt OS 24.04 shows the new debugging facilities in action.

Thanks to our routine with running Sculpt OS on modern laptops day to day, version 24.04 bumps the range of supported hardware. Displays up to 4K are supported out of the box now, and touchpads of laptops like the Gen13 Framework have become operational.

Sculpt OS 24.04 is available as ready-to-use system image at the Sculpt download page accompanied with updated documentation.

Genode OS Framework 24.02 released Mar 28, 2024

With much excitement, we published Genode's first version of the year by the end of February, focussing on audio, suspend/resume, HID devices, and the Goa SDK.

As we dedicate this year to Sculpt OS usability, it is no surprise that the release improves on several user-facing aspects. One highlight is our redesigned audio infrastructure for versatile multi-channel routing and mixing at low latency and flexible sample rates. Another long anticipated feature is suspend/resume on PCs. The release solves a crucial piece of this puzzle by making Genode's storage and GPU drivers suspend/resume aware.

For developers, usability is almost synonymous to tooling quality. With the new version, the Goa SDK receives the ability to use Sculpt OS running on a local or remote machine as a remote test target, which gives development-test cycles a welcome boost in terms of speed and joy.

The summary above barely scratches the surface. For the complete story, please let me refer you to the release documentation.

Road map for 2024 Jan 25, 2024

For 2024, we selected "Sculpt OS usability" as primary theme behind our development work.

It is our fine tradition to sketch out our plans for the upcoming year on Genode's public mailing list. This year is no exception. During the annual brain-storming, our developer community quickly rallied behind the topic "Sculpt OS usability" as the primary theme for 2024. We desire to boost the user experience with respect to multi-monitor usage, user-interface controls for common tasks, thorough support for touchpads and touchscreens, tearing-free graphics, low-latency audio, casual on-target debugging, and suspend/resume. Our updated road map provides a rough schedule of these topics throughout the planned four releases of this year.

Our main focus on usability notwithstanding, we will also steadily continue with the gardening of Genode's driver landscape, fostering the consistent use of drivers ported from up-to-date Linux kernels, clear-cut ACPI support, and making drivers pluggable. In 2024, we will also promote Genode's custom microkernel to become the default kernel for Sculpt OS, which is the culmination of a multi-year effort.

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  Genode Labs GmbH
  Dammweg 2
  D-01097 Dresden

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  Genode Labs GmbH
  Friedrichstr. 26
  D-01067 Dresden


  +49 351 3282613


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