======================================= Genode Labs Newsletter - June/July 2009 ======================================= Content 1. Striving towards the Genode OS Framework 9.08 2. First anniversary of the Genode OS Framework 1. Striving towards the Genode OS Framework 9.08 ------------------------------------------------ During the last two months, we continuously worked on the upcoming release 9.08 of the Genode OS Framework. As this release is focused on refining the existing features, we took the chance to advance the implementation of important base APIs and services. For example, the new version will introduce a much improved lock implementation, new framework enhancements for implementing single-threaded servers supporting blocking APIs, a new timer infrastructure, and optimization of the GUI performance. Furthermore, we managed to converge the different base platforms even more than with the previous releases. In particular, the new Linux version will be free from any glibc dependencies and, thereby, will run directly on the Linux kernel without the need for any classical Linux user-level infrastructure. Thereby, the Linux version of Genode will become the lowest-complexity Linux-kernel-based OS available. On the subject of Linux, we are currently putting much effort into making a de-privileged variant of the Linux kernel available for the OKL4 version of Genode. The solution will enable us to run existing Linux software with near-native performance side by side with native Genode applications on top of the OKL4 kernel. 2. First anniversary of the Genode OS Framework ----------------------------------------------- In August 2008, Genode Labs released the first version of the Genode OS Framework. Since then, we have come a long way and are pretty excited about the things achieved within the past year. We will celebrate the first anniversary of the Genode OS Framework with a barbecue on 13th of August, 6 pm near Moritzburger Str. 1 in Dresden <http://maps.google.de/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=103318122554571178078.00046fb68de981c60ca9e&ll=51.071531,13.721988&spn=0.005002,0.010858&z=17> We'd like to welcome you to join us! If you like to attend, please drop us a short note at info@genode-labs.com About the newsletter -------------------- If you have friends or colleagues who might be interested in our projects, we would appreciate you to forward this email. If you received this newsletter as a forwarded email, you may subscribe to the newsletter here: http://genode-labs.com/newsletter In the case of receiving this newsletter unintended, you can cancel your subscription at any time by replying to this email with the subject set to "unsubscribe". Best regards -- Christian Helmuth Genode Labs http://www.genode-labs.com/ ยท http://genode.org/