 Genode Labs Newsletter - August/September 2010


 1. Release of the Genode OS Framework 10.08
 2. Coming up next - a new Genode Live CD

 1. Release of the Genode OS Framework 10.08

 In mid of August, we have published the 9th release of our
 operating-system framework within the last two years. With the
 current release, we focused our work on pushing the limits of
 Genode's device-driver support. We are proud to report to have
 successfully enabled Genode to use wireless networking and
 hardware-accelerated 3D graphics, which we consider as the two
 most challenging domains with regard to device-driver support.

 For bringing wireless networking to Genode, we ported the
 MadWifi stack using our existing Linux device driver environ-
 ment. Thanks to this time-tested approach, we have been able
 to reuse the MadWifi code completely unmodified.

 Our work regarding hardware-accelerated 3D graphics is based
 on the Gallium3D architecture. We addressed both, the user-level
 infrastructure ported from Mesa, and the GPU driver code, which
 normally resides in the kernel. In contrast to conventional
 operating systems, Genode executes the complete 3D driver stack
 in unprivileged user mode.

 Further features of the current release are new interfaces for
 block drivers including an ATAPI driver, improved ARM support
 for the dynamic linker, and the update of Qt4 to version 4.6.3.

 To learn more about the new features, please refer to the
 release notes of version 10.08:


 2. Coming up next - a new Genode Live CD

 With the version 10.08 out of the door, we immediately started
 working on the upcoming version to be released in November. As
 an intermediate step, we are currently busy in updating our
 Genode Live CD with the new and exciting things that we have
 developed since the last Live CD released one year ago.

 Looking at our last year's progress, you can expect to see show-
 cases of the user-level Linux kernel, sound support, networking,
 Qt4 including a webkit-based browser, and Gallium3D.

 About the newsletter

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 Best regards
 Norman Feske
 Genode Labs

 http://www.genode-labs.com/ ยท http://genode.org/

postal address:

  Genode Labs GmbH
  Dammweg 2
  D-01097 Dresden

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  Genode Labs GmbH
  Friedrichstr. 26
  D-01067 Dresden


  +49 351 3282613



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